The Link between Athletics and Academics
For any child to achieve their highest potential, you need to address both a child’s mind and body. The ability for academic learning and higher-level cognitive skills is directly related to a child’s core strength and sensory-motor skills development. We believe for students to achieve their highest cognitive potential, their core strength and sensory-motor foundations must be strong and fully developed.
Here’s how we do it using programs designed by Occupational Therapists and Professional Athletic Trainers:
- Champion Schools provides 180-220 minutes per week of CORE strengthening exercises, bilateral coordination, balance, upper-limb coordination, running speed and agility to ALL students.
- 150 minutes per week of multiple After School K-3 and Junior Varsity Sports Activities: Soccer, Kickball, Cheerleading, Basketball and Flag Football. All students qualify to play.
- 480-580 minutes per week of Varsity Competitive Sports: Flag Football, Basketball, Soccer, Baseball and Cheerleading. Students must qualify to play.
- 15 minutes per day of specific in-class exercises designed by an Occupational Therapist to promote fine motor skills development in the classroom
- For grades Kindergarten, First and Second, our focus is strengthening fine motor development including visual skills necessary for academic success.
- Third through Eighth graders are provided unique opportunities to challenge their multi-sensory motor systems and promote advanced motor skills and brain connections for higher learning.
- Currently, we are gathering data using multiple assessments including FitnessGram, Presidential Youth Fitness Program and correlating these scores to Galileo Academic Assessment Results. We are using this data in a longitudinal study to map our results.
- We would like to participate in university-level research that would give us more information and guidance in developing our program to maximize the benefits of motor skills development in supporting academic performance.
- Champion Schools hires trainers with degrees in PE and Kinesiology.
- The student to trainer ratio is 30:1 for workouts, 15:1 for multiple sports activities and competitive sports.
Sport-Based Youth Development
Dr. Jesse Mala, an Assistant Professor at the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut (UCONN) has focused his research interests on utilizing sport-based youth development (SBYD) programs to holistically develop children. Specifically, he examines how participation in SBYD programs contribute to cognitive function, health outcomes, socio-emotional development, academic performance, and school-related outcomes.
Positive youth development can take place through the medium of thoughtful, well-designed, intentional sport programs, hence the term “sports-based youth development.” Research has revealed how the social competencies of respect, caring for others, self-discipline, and personal and social responsibility have been developed through sport participation within physical education classes, community and school sport, and local club teams.
Currently, he is seeking to examine the relationship of sport and physical activity participation on executive functions and stress regulation, as well as the effect of sport and physical activity on academic outcomes. His recent research shows how physical activity is associated with greater executive functioning and stress regulation among youth, which has positive implications for health, education and life outcomes. In another study, Dr. Mala also found that participating in targeted, sport-based youth development programs improves student perceptions of school connectedness and school climate.
Dr. Mala partnered with Champion Schools in Phoenix in his research project where he also spent a year as a coach and sport scientist. He is currently planning to assess the role of SBYD interventions on brain indices using EEG technology with neuroscientists in the Department of Psychological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering at UCONN.
References: Mala, J., Corral, M. D., McGarry, J. E., Macauley, C. D., Arinze, N. A., & Ebron, K. (2020). Positive Impacts of a Sport Intervention on Male Students of Color and School Climate. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1-17
Mala, J., McGarry, J., Riley, K. E., Lee, E. C. H., & DiStefano, L. (2020). The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Executive Functions Among Youth in Low-Income Urban Schools in the Northeast and Southwest United States. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 42(4), 292-306.
More Information
- Must maintain a C+ average or better.
- Must consistently have all homework done and turned in on time.
- Must stay out of trouble (school & home).
- Must commit 100% to the team & school.
- Must be able to attend scheduled practices and games.
- Must have a positive attitude.
- Must have enthusiasm for learning.
- Must be a team player.
- Must be a competitor.
- Must love to HAVE FUN!!!
Additional Rules:
As a member of the Varsity/JV team and a student of Champion Schools, your child will be held at a higher standard. We always expect him/her to be on their best behavior. I will not tolerate any kind of trouble at home and especially at school. I reserve the right to dismiss any child from the program, if I believe they are not continually striving to uphold the standards given to them at the beginning of the season. Everyone involved in Stingers Athletics must show respect for the rules of the program.
Parents are also a part of this team and if the coaching staff feels that a parent is deterring their child from adhering to the rules, the child will be dismissed.
Each child will have a great opportunity to succeed in sports, if they follow the rules set forth by the coaching staff. The staff and I believe in discipline and fairness. Every child will get a chance to show their abilities if they demonstrate to us that they deserve to be a member of the Stingers Athletic Team. Please you and your child sign the last page if you believe that playing for the Stingers this year is a good idea for both of you.
*Varsity Team Uniforms: The uniforms will include a warm-up shirt, jersey, shorts, and possibly shoes. Parent will have to provide some items such as Undershirt, and etc.
Players must have their entire uniform set to play in the games. If they do not have their entire outfit when it is time to travel, they will not play or travel. The uniform is only to be worn at games and not to school. Any lost items of the uniforms will come with additional fees. Anyone who violates the team uniform rule will be subjective to dismissal from the team.
Junior Varsity Team Uniform: Will vary depending on the sport. The students will be required to wear all issued uniforms to games. Parent will have to provide some items such as Undershirt, and etc.
Players must have their entire uniform set to play in the games. If they do not have their entire outfit when it is time to travel or play, they will not play or travel. The uniform is only to be worn at games and not to school. Any lost items of the uniforms will come with additional fees. Anyone who violates the team uniform rule will be subjective to dismissal from the team.
This year we have a lot of amazing activities planned for the Athletic Department, but it will take a team effort to fundraise the money for these events. We will need to have car washes, bake sales, and concession stand proceeds. Any other suggestions for fundraisers are greatly appreciated. The money we raise will take care of the team expense such as field trips, parties, uniforms, etc. These events will be mandatory to attend for coaches, parents, and players. Each Varsity player is going to be required to fundraise a minimum amount of $150.00. Junior Varsity Players are going to be required to fundraise a minimum amount of $50.00 dollars.
- Athletic shorts, closed toe shoes, shirt (student may perform exercise in school uniform, bringing additional clothing is recommended). They should wear workout clothes underneath to start the day. At the end of the day they can remove them.
- In class students will be asked to Stand Tall, With Eyes on Coach: This means that the student must stand quietly with their eyes on coach, arms to their side, giving the coach full attention.
- Respect for others (all the students are here to learn, not to be distracted).
- Listens and Follows directions.
- Comes to class prepared on time and ready to participate (with appropriate attire)
- Not distracting to other students or coaches (by talking, making noises, or gestures).
- Students will address the coaches by name not by (Yo, Hey or Dude).
- If student is being disruptive he/she will be asked to run do push-ups or squats (per coach’s discretion).
- If student continues to misbehave, he/she will do additional work out.
- If student continues to misbehave, coaches will sit the student out of class and have one-on-one discussion with student about behavior.
- If student continues to misbehave, the student will lose privileges in participation for sport for grades 6-8th, and asked to sit out of next class grades K-4th.
- If student continues to misbehave, coaches will send them to the office with a referral and phone call to parent.
- Students must come to sport/exercise class ready to exercise and play a sport. Coaches will not tolerate disrespectful attitudes towards coaches and classmates.
- Talking back to coaches will not be tolerated. Students will automatically be given extra exercise or workout.
- Please share any Health concerns or limitations with the coaches prior to workout concerning exercise and participation in day to day activities.
- Doctor notes and medical releases need to be given directly to the coaching staff and front offices staff. To withhold students from participation and to allow students to resume exercise (PARENT NOTES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED).
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Champion Schools
250 S. McQueen Rd.
Chandler, AZ 85225
Phone: (480) 664-3379
Fax: (480) 656-6445