Superintendent Letter – March 16, 2020

Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

After careful consideration and communication with Governor Ducey, State SuperintendentHoffman, and Public Health Dr. Christ, we have determined it is in the best interest of our students and their families to extend Spring Break at our San Tan Valley Campus for an additional week, March 23-27, 2020.

This extension will enable us to do a deeper cleaning of our School Campus, make sure we have ample supplies for handling hand washing and disinfecting throughout the school day and preparing teachers and staff to manage the return to School or be prepared to provide online/at home instruction if an extended closure is necessary. Also, as a precaution, it gives us more time to follow any recommendation that might come from Az Dept of Health, for daily updates.

If your child has a heart disease, diabetes or lung disease (including asthma) you must be very cautious because they are in a higher risk population. Please consult your doctor. Also, we need to know if families have traveled anywhere during Spring Break including California, or other states or countries.

Your School Principal will be communicating with you frequently using OneCallNow, Facebook, and Dojo with updates. Please follow the recommendations of Mrs. Lewis for studying overSpring Break and please keep your children Reading, Writing, and practicing Math.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope you understand our intent to keep your children safe and healthy. Please let us know if you would like to pick up breakfast and lunch for your child during this time. We have made arrangements for our Meal Program to be available.


Ms. Sawyer MA

Superintendent, Champion Schools