Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Superintendent Letter/Carta de la Superintendente

October 1, 2020 Dear Champion Families, CONGRATULATIONS !! Thank you to all of the Principals, Teachers, Coaches, Support Staff, Parents and Students for working together to start up our 2021 SCHOOL YEAR and making it a SUCCESS. Despite challenges…

Board Meeting – September 15, 2020

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF FIT KIDS, INC. *This agenda was posted on on 9/11/2020 Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of Fit…
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Carta de la Superintendente – 10 de Agosto de 2020

10 de agosto de 2020 Estimadas familias de Champion, Espero que esta carta los encuentre a usted y a sus seres queridos seguros y saludables en este momento difícil. A petición de la Superintendente Hoffman y la Comunidad Educativa,…
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Superintendent Letter – August 10, 2020

August 10, 2020 Dear Champion Families, I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy in this challenging time. At the request of Superintendent Hoffman and the Educational Community, Governor Ducey asked that the…
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Superintendent Letter – August 2, 2020

August 2, 2020 Dear Champion Families, I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy in this challenging time. Champion Teachers and Staff are busy getting ready for School Opening for School Year 2021. We are planning…
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Carta de la Superintendente – 2 de Agosto 2020

2 de Agosto 2020 Estimadas familias de Champion, Espero que esta carta lo encuentre a usted y a sus seres queridos seguros y saludables en este momento difícil. Los maestros y el personal de Champion están ocupados preparándose para…
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Carta de la Superintendente – 10 de Julio 2020

Espero que esta carta te encuentre a ti y a tus seres queridos seguros y saludables en este momento difícil. Hemos recibido noticias del gobernador Ducey de que la reapertura de la escuela para que los estudiantes asistan en el lugar se permitirá el 17 de agosto lo mas temprano.
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Superintendent Letter – July 10, 2020

I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy in this challenging time. We have received word from Governor Ducey that reopening school for students to attend On-site will be allowed on August 17th at the EARLIEST
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Catering Service Bidding

Champion Schools is currently bidding for caterers beginning June 23rd and with an offer opening date of 7/11/2020 at 12:10pm. Please submit all proposals to 250 S McQueen Rd, Chandler, AZ, 85255 front office. Please send all inquiries to…
Charter School in Chandler | Champion Schools Chandler

Carta de la Superintendente – 8 de Junio de 2020

Espero que esta carta te encuentre a ti y a TODOS tus seres queridos a salvo y bien. Nos complace escuchar a la Superintendente Kathy Hoffman y su Grupo están proporcionando orientación para que las escuelas de Arizona se reabran y puedan servir a las necesidades de TODOS los estudiantes para el próximo año escolar 2021.